Nissan Forklift Corp. has recently added the GO6 Series to its range of transportation and forklift vehicles, with this model having a larger lifting capacity and a more fuel-efficient diesel engine than other vehicles of its kind.
Key features of this vehicle include:
- The GO6 Series can lift loads of up to 17,500 pounds and heights of up to 26 feet.
- It has a very impressive and powerful diesel engine and turbo charger. It has a common rail fuel injection system which means that it uses the optimum amount of diesel.
- The turbo charger creates more power because it has been cleverly designed to force air into the cylinders for greater torque at lower speeds.
- This compressed air is chilled by an intercooler, which means the denser intake charge creates even more power.
- A large reduction in nitrogen oxide emissions are noted through its Exhaust Gas Recirculation.
- The vehicle has power steering. This means that wherever the vehicle is, on whatever terrain, better control and manoeuvrability is possible.
- The driver of the vehicle sits on a suspension seat so they can have better control of the vehicle and a wider view of the carriage.
- An engine protection system means that the engine rpm is reduced when there is more than average heart generation.
This vehicle is expected to be a hugely popular addition to Nissan’s Platinum line with its wide range of features and power.