Operating a forklift can seem like a pretty simple job, but there are some hidden challenges that you may not have thought of. To ensure you’re always working in the most effective and safe way, here are 5 common mistake you might be making when using your forklift…
Overloading Your Forklift Truck
This is one of the most common mistakes that people make. Overloading your forklift can make it unstable and unsafe, making the chance of an accident much more likely. Instead of trying to load everything on at once, take a few trips. It will be a lot safer.
Being Unfamiliar With Your Surroundings
If you’re used to a particular warehouse or factory, you’ll know every route, every corner and every space you can fit into. However, if you aren’t used to your surroundings it is very easy for you to knock into things, collide with another truck or even get stuck in a tight spot. Before you take your truck out for a spin in a new environment, familiarise yourself with your surroundings.
Lack Of Maintenance
We’ve previously highlighted the importance of regular and thorough servicing and maintenance, but we’re telling you again to really hammer home the point! At best, a lack of maintenance will cause your truck to run inefficiently and slowly. At worst, it can cause you a serious accident.
Moving Too Quickly
While it might be tempting to whizz around the warehouse completing your tasks as quickly as possible, this isn’t the most sensible way of working. In fact, rushing can mean your tasks longer in the end as you have to stop and fix mistakes along the way. Plus overworking your forklift truck can cause malfunctions in your equipment.
Poor Communication
Working with a forklift truck requires excellent communication with other workers around you. Failure to do so can mean crossed wires or others being unaware of your presence and vice versa. Lack of clear communication can result in collisions and other kinds of accidents, all of which can be avoided.